Stevens Amendment Federal Funding Disclosure
Federal funding details for Arapahoe/Douglas Works! current programs are below.
Arapahoe/Douglas Works! programs are federally funded with $18,730,452.65 (~78 percent) through the U.S. Department of Labor. Additionally, ~22 percent ($5,326,786.07) is financed by non-federal sources.
Federal Program/Grant Title | NFA/IGA/Contract | Original Award Amount |
ESF | 23-001 | $1,076,061.00 |
ESF Supplemental PACE | 23-012 | $238,718.00 |
Trade Adjustment Assistance Case Mgt (TAA) | 22-016 | $59,733.00 |
ReEmp Svc Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) | 23-004 | $427,847.00 |
Wagner Peyser (WP) | 23-001 | $1,547,856.00 |
Wagner Peyser 10% Governor’s Summer Job Hunt | 23-013 | $21,000.00 |
WIOA Adult | 23-009 | $1,061,684.00 |
WIOA Adult | 23-001 | $259,928.00 |
WIOA Adult | 23-009 | $884,000.00 |
WIOA Youth | 23-001 | $1,372,853.00 |
WIOA Dislocated Worker (DW) | 23-001 | $317,811.00 |
WIOA Dislocated Worker (DW) | 23-009 | $271,886.00 |
Enhanced DW (EN DW) | 23-009 | $488,847.00 |
WIOA Evaluation-DW 10% | 23-003 | $25,000.00 |
Quest Recovery DW (Quest) | 22-009 | $500,000.00 |
Quest Recovery DW (Quest) | 23-008 | $735,000.00 |
CWDB Reskilling, Up-skilling, Next-skilling (RUN) (SLFRF) | 21-004 | $1,588,602.00 |
RUN 2.0 WTG (SLFR) | 23-017 | $316,550.00 |
Performance Incentive Funds (PIF) | 23-010 | $35,000.00 |
Pathways Home | 23-005 | $265,000.00 |
Strong Sector Good Job PY22 | $41,967.50 | |
Career Navigation/Career Coaching (SLFRF) | 21-020 | $208,080.00 |
SPARC | 22-017A | $53,280.00 |
Innovation, Diversity, Equity in Apprenticeship (IDEA) | 21-008 | $5,659,099.00 |
DOC IDEA | 24-004 | $39,000.00 |
SLFRF Colorado WORK! STEP | 21 | $233,629.75 |
JVSG DVOP & LVER | 23-018 | $12,008.40 |
TEC-P ADW | SC-6180 | $910,012.00 |
Denver County Job Orders | IGA | $80,000.00 |
Non-Federal Program/Grant Title | NFA/IGA/Contract | Original Award Amount |
Arapahoe County SNAP/Employment First (AC SNAP) | MOU | $1,674,421.07 |
Arapahoe County TANF/Colorado Works (AC TANF) | MOU | $2,750,000.00 |
Arapahoe County Parents To Work (AC PTW) | MOU | $600,000.00 |
Douglas County SNAP (DCHS SNAP) | MOU | $122,365.00 |
Douglas County TANF (DCHS TANF) | MOU | $60,000.00 |
Douglas County Employment Youth (DC EMP YOUTH) | MOU | $120,000.00 |