Industry Profiles
All of our Industry Profiles have been updated! They provide information on current labor market trends, analyze industry performance, identify leading companies and provide aggregate financial data.
Custom 1:1 Career Advisement
Take your job search to the next level
Custom, one on one career navigation helps you understand your unique strengths, skills, and potential. Boost your confidence to nail that interview and land the job!
Higher job earnings boost local economy by $39.4 million
Jobseekers earn bigger paychecks with Arapahoe/Douglas Works!, support regional economic vitality
Labor Supply/Demand Report
The labor supply/demand report presents information that can help businesses and job seekers better understand current economic and labor force trends.
Arapahoe/Douglas Works! Workforce Center Named “Partner of the Year”
African Chamber of Commerce names Arapahoe/Douglas Works! Partner of the Year at inaugural award reception.
Career Center Opens in Castle Rock
Start the new year with a new job at the brand new A/D Works! Career Center in Castle Rock, located inside the Arapahoe Community College Sturm Collaboration Campus. Search thousands of job openings, get personalized career advisement, upskill with free workshops and trainings, take skills assessment tests and more.
Labor Supply/Demand Report
The labor supply/demand report presents information that can help businesses and job seekers better understand current economic and labor force trends.
Arapahoe/Douglas Works! Workforce Center Named “Partnership of the Year”
The Economic Development Council of Colorado (EDCC) acknowledged A/D Works! with the Partnership of the Year honor in a ceremony held in Steamboat Springs last week. A/D Works! is keeping Colorado’s economy moving forward and improving quality of life for our residents.
Labor Supply/Demand Report
The labor supply/demand report presents information that can help businesses and job seekers better understand current economic and labor force trends.
Work Readiness Program
Arapahoe Community College and Arapahoe/Douglas Works! are partnering to offer the Virtual Work Readiness Program. This digital upskilling program offers two levels of skills through ACC for individuals to upgrade their technological competencies and thrive in a virtual workforce.