Improving Services and Outcomes for Diverse Populations in America’s Workforce Development System
The Workforce Transformation Policy Council (WTPC) is a select group of
over 20 workforce development leaders convened by Jobs for the Future
(JFF) and the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB). Its aim
is to identify policy changes that are needed to transform the U.S.
workforce development system, so it is better able to meet the complex
needs of todays and tomorrow’s labor market.
Labor Supply/Demand Report
The labor supply/demand report presents information that can help businesses and job seekers better understand current economic and labor force trends.
Parents to Work Hosts Accomplishment Ceremony
On Wednesday, August 2, 2023, the Parents to Work program hosted its annual Accomplishment Ceremony. The event was an opportunity for customers and their families to come together and celebrate their successes. Seven (7) customers and their families were in attendance.
The event featured a keynote address from Dr. Mordecai Brownlee, President of the Community College of Aurora, a certificate ceremony, and speeches from Arapahoe County Commissioner Carrie Warren-Gully, program staff, and participants. Accomplishments celebrated during the event included graduation from the Parents to Work program, completion of training (such as the ACC Virtual Work Readiness Program), and attainment of a certificate or credential (e.g. forklift certificate, CDL-A licensure, and Insurance Licensure).
Parents to Work is a partnership between Arapahoe County Child Support Services and Arapahoe/Douglas Works! that is designed to help customers meet their obligations of child support while also being able to meet their day-to-day needs. Parents to Work offers employment, training, GED prep, and supportive services to both custodial and non-custodial parents with a child support case in Arapahoe County. The program focuses on family wellbeing, providing support to multiple generations within the family unit. In Program Year 2021-2022, over 30 customers graduated from the program by working and meeting their child support obligations for 12 consecutive months. In addition, over 15 individuals completed post-secondary training and/or attained different types of industry-recognized credentials.
Learn more about the Parents to Work program at
Clearing Paths to Renewed Futures: Warrant Forgiveness Event Serves Many in 18th Judicial Court District
On Saturday, July 15, 2023, the 18th Judicial Court District hosted its annual warrant forgiveness event at CentrePoint Plaza in Aurora. The main objective of the event was to provide support and assistance to eligible individuals in resolving their cases, setting new court dates, and getting back on track with completing probation.
Thriving Connections: Arapahoe/Douglas Works!’ Remarkable Employment First Career Fair
Exciting News! Arapahoe/Douglas Works! hosted the annual Employment First Career Fair on July 12, 2023 at CentrePoint Plaza, and it was successful for the job seekers and employers who attended!
Empowering Young Adults for Success: Reflecting on the Young Adult Summer Job Hunt Boot Camp
As summer approaches, young adults often find themselves searching for job opportunities to gain experience, independence, and a sense of responsibility. The Young Adult Summer Job Hunt Boot Camp was introduced by A/D Works! to support young adults in their job search. This event was tailored for young adults aged 14-18 and aimed to equip them with the necessary skills to search for, secure, and retain employment while aligning their job choices with their long-term career goals.
Labor Supply/Demand Report
The labor supply/demand report presents information that can help businesses and job seekers better understand current economic and labor force trends.
A New Take on Hot Jobs!
The Denver Metro Area is a thriving hub of industry, offering a diverse range of employment opportunities across various sectors. However, navigating the job market can be overwhelming, especially for individuals who are just starting their career or are seeking a change in their current occupation.
A/D Works! Hosts Business Spotlight Event
Business owners from the Metro area shared their expertise at a Business Spotlight hosted at Arapahoe/Douglas Works! Workforce Center on February 22, 2023. The panel of four business owners represented Restaurant, Retail, Transportation, and Personal Services industries. Panelists shared start-up information, current business and marketing strategies, and future plans.
Featured Panelists:
Dawn Wlyde, the CEO of Artcraft Sign Company, a custom sign fabrication company.
Keisha Bradley, the CEO of KB’s Vegan Kitchen, a vegan catering company.
Clarence Thedford, the owner of Mile High Solutions Network LLC, an electric vehicle charging infrastructure business.
Courtney Samuel, the owner of Bodies by Perseverance, an exclusive personal training and fitness gym.
Helping Small Business Thrive in the Digital World
Free webinars help small and micro-businesses navigate new and existing technology challenges
A free new online training program from the Arapahoe/Douglas Works! Workforce Center gives small and micro-business owners the knowledge and expertise needed to run their businesses in today’s tech-savvy world.